Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Levothroid: the best treatment for thyroid diseases

Goiter is a condition caused by swelling of the thyroid gland. The swelling is often visible and can be felt in the neck of the patient. Goiter can occur due to a variety of reasons. It is often associated with disorders that affect the normal functioning of the thyroid. The level of thyroid hormones in patients suffering from goiter can be normal, high or low.

Causative factors of goiter:
• Deficiency of Iodine– The risk of Goiter is high in people living in parts of the world where there is not much iodine. It can also occur in those countries in which people do not have access to iodine supplements.
• Gender - Goiters are more common in females than in males.
• Age – The risk of goiter increases after the age of 60 years.
• Autoimmune disorders – patients suffering from autoimmune disorders face a high risk of developing goiter.
• Medicines – some drugs such as antiretrovirals, lithium, amiodarone and immunosuppressants are known to increase the risk of this condition.
• Radiation –People involved in nuclear tests are regularly exposed to radiation making them highly prone to developing goiter.
• Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism – overactivity as well as under-activity of the thyroid gland can lead to goiter.
• Smoking - some studies have suggested that the risk of goiter is high in people who smoke.
• Goitrogenic foods: Excessive consumption of goitrogenic foods like peanuts, soybeans, spinach and tofu can increase the risk of goiter.

What are the indications of goiter?
The symptoms of goiter depend upon the cause of the enlargement of the thyroid. Goiter does not cause any pain in most patients. However, as the enlargement of the gland increases, it may exert pressure on the pharynx or the esophagus resulting in difficulty in swallowing. The swelling may also exert pressure on the larynx, causing hoarseness of voice; or on the trachea, causing a cough.

How can goiter be diagnosed?
• A hormone test: levels of TSH, T3 and T4 in the blood can help in detecting goiter and also helps in diagnosing its causes, like hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.
• Ultrasound of the neck region
• Antibody tests
• A radioactive iodine scan or a thyroid scan

Management of Goiter:
Levothroid is an effective drug used for the management of Goiter. Levothroid can help in reducing the symptoms of goiter by regulating the level of thyroid hormones in the body. Use of Levothroid is also beneficial for treating other thyroid disorders like thyroid nodules, thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism.

Dosage of Levothroid:
Patients can use Levothroid in a daily dosage of 12.5 to 125 mcg. This dose is enough for reducing the symptoms of goiter. However, patients are advised to consult a physician for checking any dose adjustments required for them.

If goiter is not treated properly, it can cause severe life threatening complications like cancer of the thyroid. Use of efficient drugs such as Generic Levothroid can help in managing goiter in an effective and safe manner and also helps to prevent its complications.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

What are the uncommon causes of hair loss?

Hair loss is a common disorder occurring as a result of number of causative factors. The commonly occurring causes of hair fall are mental or physical stress, hormonal imbalance, heredity and unhygienic conditions. The treatment is usually aimed at reversing these causes. However, it is often ignored that hair loss can occur because of some rare disorders also and the treatment of it has to be altered accordingly in such cases. Some rare disorders causing hair fall are mentioned beneath:

  • Malnutrition: lack of essential nutrients can result in gradual thinning of the hair. People, who do not drink enough water, can also suffer from hair loss due to the dryness of the scalp. Excessive dieting can also affect the overall health of the person resulting in acute hair loss. Lack of essential nutrients also occurs in those suffering from gastrointestinal disorders like Malabsorption syndrome. In this disorder, there is reduced absorption of the nutrients from the digestive tract leading to hair fall. Zinc, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 are very important from the point of view of good growth of the hair. Patients, who suffer from malnutrition, should use vitamin preparations so that the hair loss caused by it can be prevented.
  • Cushing Syndrome: this is a rare condition caused by the abnormalities of the endocrine system. Although this disease does not cause hair loss directly, it can result in increased synthesis of cortisol and androgens in the body. Raised levels of androgen result in hair fall in these individuals.
  • Thyroid disorders  the thyroid is a gland that secretes hormones required for the normal metabolic processes in the body. Increased synthesis of thyroid hormones can lead to hyperthyroidism and decreased synthesis of thyroid hormones can lead to hypothyroidism. Hair fall can occur due to hypothyroidism as well as hyperthyroidism. An imbalance of these hormones can have a negative impact on the normal functions of the body. It can also affect the cycle of hair growth resulting in thinning of the hair. Proper management of thyroid diseases can help in reducing hair loss and other symptoms caused by it. Individuals, who are suffering from hypothyroidism, can purchase Levothroid Generic that can help in correcting the imbalance of thyroid hormones and also stops the hair fall occurring as a result of this. 
  • Systematic Lupus Erythematosus  this is an autoimmune disorder. It is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting multiple organs and systems in the body. The inflammation can also interfere with the natural growth of the hair causing temporary hair loss. 

Some other factors causing hair loss are given below:
  • Skin injury
  • Eczema
  • Plaque psoriasis
  • Dermatitis
  • Acute infective disorders like typhoid and meningitis
  • Cancer

Levothroid Generic is an effective medication that can help individuals suffering from hair fall due to hypothyroidism. People suffering from hypothyroidism can order Levothroid Generic for managing this disorder in an effective and harmless manner, after consultation with their health care provider. Once patients buy Levothroid Generic, they can start taking it in a dose of 12.5 to 125 mcg per day. Patients, who are suffering from hair fall because of the imbalance of male hormones like testosterone, causing male pattern baldness, should use Propecia Generic for managing it with good results.

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